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MIDDLE EAST Regional Expertise
If you are looking for insight into Middle East carbonates, you are in the right place. The Middle East is, without doubt, one of our key areas of expertise. We have undertaken numerous exploration, regional, fieldwork, and reservoir characterisation projects, with particular focus on Iraq (including Kurdistan), Iran, Oman, UAE, Kuwait, and Syria.
Andy is a key contributor to the seminal “Arabian Plate Sequence Stratigraphy” Sharland et al. (2001) book, as well as the 2010 “Petroleum Geology of Iraq” book. Our considerable experience in this area has enabled us to develop an impressive in-house database, with which we have produced several Multiclient Expert Reports and Palaeogeography Map Sets.
MEXICO Regional Expertise
Cambridge Carbonates Ltd have considerable experience of working in Mexico and on Mexican subsurface data, having worked the area since the early 1990’s. Our experience is primarily in the SE of Mexico (offshore and onshore) and Tampico-Misantla areas, looking at both Mesozoic and Cenozoic carbonate plays.
Our regional expertise enables us to offer bespoke services to clients, including reviews of existing plays, development of new play concepts, aiding seismic interpretation, core logging, petrographic and diagenetic services.
CENTRAL & SE ASIA Regional Expertise
Cenozoic carbonates of SE Asia have been a particular area of interest for Cambridge Carbonates. Having worked on numerous reservoir characterisation and exploration projects from locations such as offshore Vietnam, Sumatra, Java, China, Philippines, Borneo, Luconia, east Sulawesi, and offshore NW Australia, our most recent work included reservoir characterisation and evaluation of the giant Antelope field. We have also undertaken fieldwork in this area.
At a regional scale, we have been responsible for the generation of seismic classification of more than 100 carbonate fields, and our experience in the area has allowed us to develop a comprehensive MULTICLIENT REPORT on the carbonate reservoirs of SE Asia. We also undertake carbonate reservoir characterisation training courses in SE Asia through Opus Kinetic.
We have worked on pre-and post-salt carbonate systems on both sides of the Atlantic. We have undertaken comprehensive studies of the microfacies of Brazilian pre-salt carbonates and comparative studies of pre-salt carbonates from Africa. We have also examined post-salt mixed carbonate–clastic lacustrine and continental margin systems from Africa.
We are very pleased to collaborate with Striped Horse Resources on the African margins of the Southern Atlantic.
EUROPE Regional Expertise
We have worked the Palaeozoic carbonates extensively in the North Sea, Poland, and the Former Soviet Union, with a recent focus on Zechstein reservoirs (particularly in the UK Southern North Sea and Mid North Sea High areas). The Mesozoic reservoirs in France are also a key area of expertise, with Benoit being involved in many technical publications in this area.
The circum-Adriatic area in particular (Italy, Greece, etc.) is a specific area of expertise, having logged more than 1000m of core from these Cretaceous and Cenozoic reservoirs. In this area, we have worked fractured, karsted, and resedimented reservoirs both from the subsurface (Italy; Greece) and also undertaken fieldwork in equivalent reservoirs. See Circum-Adriatic Carbonate Reservoir Reports.
Geothermal energy in the Netherlands is also an area that we have worked on extensively.
We also offer a suite of field-based courses in Europe that can be run for clients.
NORTH AFRICA Regional Expertise
Cambridge Carbonates Ltd have worked extensively in Cretaceous, Palaeocene, and Eocene carbonate reservoirs in North Africa, with a particular focus on Libya and Algeria. We have also delivered training courses in this location. Our experience in West Africa complements our expertise in Brazil, with Cretaceous Pre-Salt carbonate reservoir characterisation and diagenesis being especially important.
ARCTIC Regional Expertise
Cambridge Carbonates have worked in the Arctic area since the early 1990’s, and have since built an enormous in-house repository of knowledge and data. Our expertise on the Norwegian and Russian sides of the Barents Shelf is focussed on carbonate, evaporite, clastic and siliceous depositional systems using data from the sub-surface and outcrop on Svalbard. We have undertaken a range of single well and regional studies with the aims of understanding the local and regional controls on reservoir development, including the formation of karst systems. These are available as multiclient reports. We are very pleased to have joined forces with AEON Geoscience Services to promote our Barents Sea experience on their PDR platform.